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Hermeto Pascoal "In the World of Sounds"

Double LP

Gatefold cover

Imported - Made in Germany


LP 1

side A

1. Long live São Paulo! [5:18]

2. Vinícius Dorin in Búzios [5:47}

3. To Thad Jones [4:11]

4. To Miles Davis [7:00]


Side B
1. Mazinho playing at the Bandstand [2:46]

2. Long live Piazzolla! [4:15]

3. Forró da Gota to Sivuca [6:05]

4. Carlos Malta Tupizando [5:01]

5. Sound of Aura [4:23]


LP 2

side A

1. Entering the Pipes [3:10]

2. To Tom Jobim [6:47]

3. Ilza Nova [7:04]

4. Hail, Pernambuco Percussion! [2:38]

5. Long live Edu Lobo! [3:05]


Side B

1. To Ron Carter [6:45]

2. From Fabio to Jovino dos Santos [7:18]

3. A hug Chick Corea [4:30]

4. Raphael eternal love [2:40]


All songs by Hermeto Pascoal


Hermeto Pascoal (piano, keyboard, bass flute, melodica, water glass, etc.)
Itiberê Zwarg - bass and tuba

Fabio Pascoal - percussion

André Marques - piano and flute

Ajurinã Zwarg - drums and soprano sax

Jota P. - saxes and flutes


saytion Artístic: Hermeto Pascoal

saytion of Estudio: Fabio Pascoal

ProduceExecutive Director: Flavio de Abreu– Scubidu Music

coordinatesProduction Director: Amanda Desmonts

large artThestays: Ruy Pereira

Graphic Design: Tereza Bettinardi

Photos: Gabriel Quintão


recorded on estúdio gargoylThendia inFebruary 2017 by Daniel TThesink

Mixed and Mastered in estudio Arsis by Adonias Jr.

recording assistantsO:Thiago Baggio and Gregory Fenile


Piano Technician and Tuner: Olivio Valarini Jr.




Release under license fromSesc Seal





Regional Administration in the State of São Paulo



President of the Regional Council

Abram Szajman

Regional director

Danilo Santos de Miranda




Social CommunicationIvan Paulo Giannini Technical-SocialJoel Naimayer Padula AdministrationLuiz Deoclécio Massaro Galina Technical and Planning AdvisorySérgio José Battistelli




Sesc Seal

Audiovisual Production Center Manager Silvana Morales Nunes
Assistant Manager Sandra Karaoglan
Coordinator Wagner Palazzi
Produced by Giuliano Jorge, Ricardo Tifona
Communication Alexandre Amaral, Raul Lorenzetti
Administrative Katia Kieling, Thays Heiderich, Yumi Sakamoto
Audio João Zilio, Marcelo Sarra

Double LP - Hermeto Pascoal & Group - No Mundo dos Sons (Imported)


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